
Quote 5

"Blood lust Richard Chase justified his cannibalistic urges by explaining that his blood was turning into powder and that a Nazi crime syndicate and his mother were out to murder him for being Jewish – which he was not."
-The Dr. Killer Network

Richard Chase was known as the Vampire of Sacramento because he was not only a murder, he was a cannibal. He drank the blood of his victims. He was absolutely, positively 100 percent insane. He was abused by his mother as a child and became involved in alcohol and drugs when he was a teenager. One time he injected himself with rabbit blood because he was so obsessed with blood, and he believed it would sustain his life.

1 comment:

  1. Before all else, I want to say that you most certainly have a unique topic. I believe that psycho killers not only choose their lifestyle, but are also born to kill. In various cases, such as the case in this quote, factors like abuse can shape a person's ability to function properly. On top of this, Richard's fascination with blood seems to be a characteristic of a psycho killer. So that is why I believe that a psycho/serial killer can be molded from life factors as well as mental factors. Good job with your work on this topic.
