
What I Already Know About My Topic

A psycho killer is a human. Yes, a very messed up human, but still a human. Their craving for death is caused by ASP (Antisocial Personality Disorder). The way they get this disorder is unknown. Some researchers believe it is inherited; others think it is progressive. These psychotics kill compulsively. They are basically ignorant of any concept of life whatsoever. They do not care about consequences and fear nothing. They will dive into any challenge without hesitation. A killer can be anyone: your neighbor, your co-worker, your paper-boy, etc. Some are seen as normal in the real world: They call this the “mask of sanity.” Many are very anti-social though, hence ASP. They remain locked up in their own personal space hiding from the rest of the human race plotting their attack! Psycho killers are people too; they do have feelings-just in the human part of them.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, i love this topic! I'm fasinated with ASP and many of the psycophaths and socopaths that have killed throughout history (for some reason), but i think this is really cool and I deffently can't wait to learn more.
